Flows, water levels and Hydro-Québec weather data
Geolocated hydrometeorological data collected at Hydro-Québec gauging and weather stations:
- River discharge
- Water level
- Precipitation type (rain, snow) and accumulation
- Snowpack and water equivalent
- Instantaneous air temperature
- Instantaneous relative humidity and average relative humidity
- Wind speed and direction at 2.5 m (some at 10 m)
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Hydrometeorological data (from Hydro Québec data collection stations)Format
River discharge
River discharge is calculated based on water levels measured upstream and downstream of a river.
Water level
Data on water levels are collected remotely at Hydro-Québec hydrometric stations every 15 minutes. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Data on precipitation are collected hourly at Hydro-Québec meteorological stations. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Data on accumulated precipitation and precipitation type are collected at Hydro-Québec meteorological stations every 15 minutes. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Snowpack and water equivalent
The gamma monitoring (GMON) sensor continuously collects data on snowpack and water equivalent.
Water equivalent data are collected at meteorological stations every six hours. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Snowpack data are collected hourly at meteorological stations. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Temperature data are collected hourly at Hydro-Québec meteorological stations. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Data on instantaneous relative humidity are collected hourly at meteorological stations. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Data on wind speed and direction at 2.5 m from the ground are collected at Hydro Québec meteorological stations every 15 minutes. They are then transmitted by satellite to our systems and recorded.
Description of labels
- site : grouping of the elements of an installation.
- identifiant : unique identification code.
- nom : site name.
- xcoord, ycoord: coordinates are expressed in decimal degrees.
- Zcoord : altitude in meters.
- date debut : generic date corresponding to the commissioning of the site.
- date fin : generic date corresponding to the decommissioning of the site.
- nom_unite_administrative : name of the administrative unit, specific to Hydro-Québec.
- composition : description and location of the data set.
- type_point_donnee : definition of the measure.
- type_mesure : aggregation of the measure.
- nom_unite_mesure : unit of measurement.
- pas_temps : measurement frequency ("Journalier” or “Horaire”).
- donnees : date and time of the measurement, in UTC.
- River discharge: m³/s
- Level: m
- Total precipitation: mm
- Snowpack: cm
- Water equivalent (of snowpack): cm
- Maximum temperature: °C
- Minimum temperature: °C
- Relative humidity: %
- Average wind speed at 2.5 m: km/h
- Wind direction at 2.5 m: °
Additional information
- Editor/author: Hydro-Québec
- Update frequency: twice daily
- Sampling frequency: hourly.
- Language: French
- Geographic coverage: network of Hydro-Québec hydrometeorological stations
- Temporal coverage: 10 days
- Updated: 2022-14-02
- Created: 2021-06-12
- License: Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 4.0
- Notices and conditions of use: The information provided represents raw data. It is without a guarantee of quality and subject to change without notice.
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