LineScout – A versatile robot for inspecting overhead lines
LineScout is a robotic platform designed for inspecting and maintaining energized transmission lines. It provides the high-quality, detailed information needed to properly inform decision-making and ensure power system reliability without impact to operations. LineScout is able to negotiate most line obstacles, and its non-destructive sensors make it possible to diagnose conductor condition with minimal sampling.
In addition to inspection, LineScout can also safely perform some maintenance tasks, such as repairing broken conductor strands on conductors and ground wires.

Video: Promotion by New York Power Authority
Video: Partnership with BC Hydro
Video: Promotion by Hydro-Québec
LineScout benefits
- Accuracy: Produces inspection reports based on multiple sets of accurate data
- Continuity of service: Works on energized lines without interrupting service
- Safety: Designed for use in hard-to-reach locations
- Efficiency: Allows work on multiple spans thanks to its ability to negotiate obstacles like insulator strings, vibration dampers, warning markers and corona rings
- Flexibility: Runs along ground wires, single conductors or conductor bundles
- Versatility: Equipped with sensors and tools to perform a wide range of inspection and maintenance tasks
- Ruggedness: Designed for use in hostile environments
LineScout applications
- Visual inspections (through four cameras)
- Verification of splice condition (by measuring resistance)
- Infrared imaging
- Corrosion detection (with LineCore)
- Detection of broken strands under suspension clamps by digital radiography (under development)
- Maintenance:
- Bolt tightening and loosening
- Conductor strand repairs
- Vibration damper recovery
Value creation
- Increased productivity compared to other inspection and repair methods
- Reduced asset downtime
- Non-destructive in situ evaluations
- Precise and detailed data to support maintenance decisions
- Reduced costs through deferred capital spending
- Prioritization of asset maintenance projects
- Extended equipment service life
- Reduced risk and increased asset stability and reliability
- Enhanced worker health and safety

- Weight: 115 kg
- Dimensions: 1.37 m L x 0.85 m H × 0.90 m D
- Linear speed: 1.0 m/s
- Battery life: 5 to 9 hours, depending on task
- Remote control range: 3 to 4 km
- Conductor diameter: 12 to 85 mm
- Maximum conductor slope: 35 degrees
- Operating temperature: −10°C to +35°C
- Electromagnetic immunity: 735 kV/1000 A
- Angle change at tower: 14 degrees