DRONES – A revolution in transmission line inspection and maintenance
Hydro-Québec has developed a drone prototype specialized in direct-contact inspection of high-voltage power transmission lines.
- Drone with eight motors and propellers (octocopter)
- Single-conductor landings and a motorized rolling system for travelling along the line
- Immunity to 315-kV electromagnetic fields
- Pilot aid system for conductor landings
- LineCore for corrosion detection
- Obstacle detection (under development)
- Anti-collision system (under development)

Hydro-Québec is developing drones in order to include them in its inspection solutions. It has set up a program to develop specialized products for the power industry. Its objectives are:
- Develop the technical standards for using UAVs for inspecting electrical installations
- Carry out an in-depth analysis of existing UAVs (with priority given to vertical take-off and landing aircraft) and their capabilities
- Study the cost-effectiveness and appropriateness of using UAVs for high-value-added tasks during the construction and operation of power generation, transmission and distribution installations, as well as the challenges associated with their deployment
- Define ambitious targets to develop innovative inspection and maintenance techniques
- Develop smart task-specific devices that combine performance, safety, reliability and ruggedness
- Design specialized subsystems and instrumentation
- Comply with current regulations, specifically with respect to obtaining Special Flight Operations Certificates (SFOC) and the right to privacy