Low carbon emissions

More than 99% clean energy

15 interconnections

35.6 TWh of net electricity exports

37.2 GW of installed hydropower capacity

Hydro‑Québec’s export markets

Hydro‑Québec operates 15 interconnections with Québec’s neighboring markets: Ontario, New Brunswick, New York State and New England.

Total export capacity:
7,974 MW

Additional interconnections with the U.S. are currently under study:

Net electricity exports in 2019

Un total de 32,6 TWh est exporté hors du Québec et principalement en Nouvelle-Angleterre (à 51 %), dans l'état de New York (à 24 %) et en Ontario (à 12 %)

Trends in energy prices on Hydro‑Québec external markets

On remarque une tendance à la baisse sur le prix de l'électricité et du gaz naturel sur les marchés extérieurs d'Hydro-Québec

Benefits of Québec hydropower for neighboring markets

Québec hydropower has many benefits for neighboring markets:

  • A continuous source of clean, renewable electricity
  • Readily dispatchable energy
  • Reliable supply, not subject to the volatility and uncertainty of fuel markets
  • Competitive, stable prices
  • Low GHG emissions

Hydro‑Québec’s exports also promote the development of other renewable generating options in northeastern North America. Hydropower is a continually available means of generation that can be started up on demand, making it the only renewable that can support the integration of intermittent energies such as wind and solar power. Countries that have large fleets of wind turbines must also have sufficient firming capacity to offset fluctuations in wind—capacity that often comes from thermal power plants.