
Dataset on Hydro-Québec’s annual vegetation control planning to clear rights-of-way in the power transmission system (high-voltage lines). Vegetation control work is required to ensure the safety of Hydro-Québec personnel and the public, in addition to the reliability of the system. It is carried out on a cyclical basis over more than 140,000 ha at the rate of about 20,000 ha per year. Note: the schedule is subject to change without notice.

Files or services

The geospatial data can be consulted in two file formats: Shapefile and GeoJSON (Geographic JavaScript Object Notation).

Shapefile format

Shapefile (.SHP) is used in geomatics and can contain up to four different additional files. It is a group of files with the same name but different extensions.

To open the file, use Esri tools or a software program such as Google Earth or QGIS.

Vegetation control schedule (high-voltage line) in Shapefile format [ZIP 685 KO – in French only]

GeoJSON format

GeoJSON format is an open format of simple, structured geospatial data based on the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) standard.

GeoJSON files may be opened with an Internet browser or a simple text editor. However, they are most often accessed using Esri tools or a software program such as Google Earth or QGIS.

Download the vegetation control planning (high-voltage line) file in GEOJSON format [ZIP 420 KO – in French only]

See the vegetation control planning (high-voltage line) file in GEOJSON format [GEOJSON 5 988 KO – in French only]

Useful URLs for developers

Useful information for interpreting the data

The data are taken from the vegetation control planning schedules to clear the rights‑of‑way in Hydro‑Québec’s transmission system.

  • The database contains information from a tracking file on vegetation control planning in rights-of-way and from a georeferenced file that includes the rights-of-way in the transmission system.
  • No geometric measurements should be taken using these data (estimated average precision).

Description of labels

The files may contain text data (e.g., Montréal), numerical data (e.g., 2021‑05‑21) or geometric data (e.g., 46°48'44’’) organized according to these category labels:

  • POLE (text): responsibility center
  • CIRCREF (numerical): reference circuit
  • SUFCIREF (text): suffix of the reference circuit
  • PORTEE (numerical): reference circuit span number
  • SUFF (text): suffix of the reference span
  • DATEMAJ (date): planning data processing date in YYYYMMDD where YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day

Additional information

  • Editor/Author: Hydro‑Québec
  • Update frequency: based on changes to the vegetation control schedule
  • Language: French
  • Geographic coverage:  province of Québec
  • Temporal coverage: 2023
  • Last modified on: 2023-08-02
  • Initial distribution: 2022-07-25
  • Licence : Creative Commons CC‑BY 4.0
  • Notices and conditions of use:  Vegetation control work is carried out on a cyclical basis. The schedule is subject to change without notice. No geometric measurements should be taken using these data (estimated average precision).

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