The Reliability Coordinator provides, for information purposes, the following list of NERC reliability standards relevant in Québec. Filters are provided to sort the list as needed. Entities remain at all times responsible for visiting the Régie de l’énergie website to determine which reliability standards apply to their situation and for complying with all such standards. In case of discrepancy, the list on the Régie de l’énergie website shall prevail.
Number of results found: {{filteredResults.length}}
Number of standards in Québec
Number of standards in the U.S.:
Number of standards in effect in both Québec and the U.S.: {{countQcUs = (filteredResults | countActiveQcUs)}} ({{countQcUs / countQc * 100 | number:0}}%)
Number of standards in effect in Québec and inactive in the U.S.: {{countQcOnly = (filteredResults | countActiveQcOnly)}} ({{countQcOnly / countQc * 100 | number:0}}%)
{{fn['acronym']}} : {{fn['name-en']}}
Number of standards in effect in both Québec and the U.S./Number of standards in effect in Québec
Number of standards in effect in Québec and withdrawn in the U.S./Number of standards in effect in Québec