Private or community-based businesses that operate an electricity generating facility connected to Hydro-Québec’s system or that plan to do so must read the following documentation. Electricity generating facilities include hydroelectric, thermal, biomass, solar and wind generating stations, among others.
Important note regarding self-generators If you are, or if you would like to become, a self-generator, i.e., a Hydro-Québec customer that generates electricity with a facility you own and operate to meet some or all of your needs, and if the capacity of your facility is below 50 kW, the documents on this page are not intended for you.
Instead, you should consult the information available on self-generation (low or medium-voltage) covered by Hydro-Québec Distribution’s rate options.
The applicable technical requirements, standards and codes for a project to connect an electricity generating facility are determined according to the voltage of the connection to Hydro-Québec’s system, namely less than 44 kV (distribution system) or 44 kV or more (transmission system).
The electricity generating facility’s interconnecting voltage is confirmed at the integration study step.
Applicable technical requirements, standards and codes for any electricity generating facility connected to the Hydro-Québec system, or the subject of a project to connect it to the Hydro-Québec system, at a voltage of less than 44 kV (distribution system).
Applicable technical requirements, standards and codes for any electricity generating facility connected to Hydro-Québec’s system, or the subject of a project to connect it to Hydro-Québec’s system, at a voltage of 44 kV or more (transmission system).