Transmission facilities covered

The transmission facilities covered by the IEP:

  • New overhead transmission lines (49 kV or over)
  • Overhead transmission lines whose initial operating voltage has been increased
  • New double-circuit line built to replace a parallel single-circuit line
  • New aboveground substations, including indoor substations, or overhead-underground junction substations (overhead part only)
  • Substation built at same location with an increase in the operating voltage

Allocated funding

The allocated funding corresponds to an amount per kilometre* of the new transmission line and a lump sum* based on the area occupied by the new substation:

New transmission line:
49 kV–230 kV $38,808
315 kV–735 kV $50,568
New substation:
5,000–17,000 m2 or entire footprint in the case of an indoor substation $176,400
17,001–50,000 m2 $352,800
50,001–150,000 m2 $588,000
150,001 m2 and over $1,176,000

*Amounts indexed periodically.

Citizen involvement

The public is invited to propose initiatives and to be involved in choosing them.

Useful documentation for eligible organizations

Powering communities

For over 30 years, the IEP has helped develop, maintain, repair and enhance communities. Thanks to this program, more people are playing, skating, cycling, reading, laughing, thinking, discovering and gathering across Québec. See for yourself!


Following content is an image slideshow about: initiatives supported by the IEP

  • Breakwater on the Rivière Rimouski
  • Rest stop on the TransTerrebonne bicycle path
  • Development of the Place Paul-Déjean
  • Chute à Ménard pedestrian bridge in Saint-Michel-des-Saints