Electricity is playing an increasingly important role in all forms of transportation. And Hydro-Québec has what it takes to assist in this transition: clean, renewable energy; a reliable grid; recognized expertise; and promising technologies.

When should I charge my electric vehicle?

Driving an electric vehicle means experiencing a whole new way of filling up. At home, you simply plug in your vehicle in the evening so that it is completely charged the next morning. The same goes for when you plug it in when you get to work: you head home at the end of the day with a full charge.

This means that over 90% of charging needs are met at home and at work.

For more occasional needs – for instance, running errands on the weekend or taking longer drives – the Electric Circuit has launched a public charging service.

All of this means that Hydro-Québec supplies clean energy to run clean cars.

What are the charging options for electric vehicles?

Electric vehicles are mostly charged at home and at work, but while on the road, they can also be topped up as needed at public charging stations.

Charging time by power source

How much does it cost to charge an electric vehicle at home?

For an annual distance travelled of 20,000 km, “filling up” an electric vehicle will cost $1,000 to $2,000 less than a conventional vehicle.

Calculate potential savings

What is the Electric Circuit? And what is Hydro-Québec’s role in it?

The Electric Circuit, the first network of public charging stations in Québec and Canada, was the brainchild of Hydro-Québec. Launched in spring 2012, the network is the result of a partnership with RONA, Les Rôtisseries St-Hubert, METRO and exo (formerly the Agence métropolitaine de transport [AMT]). Many other organizations have since come on board, helping expand the network across the province by equipping their parking lots with Level 2 and fast-charge stations.

EV drivers can travel worry free, knowing that they can top up their batteries at readily-accessible and easy-to-use Electric Circuit stations.

For more information on The Electric Circuit

How do Electric Circuit charging stations work? Is it hard to recharge an EV?

All plug-in electric vehicles sold in Québec since 2011 are equipped with a socket compatible with Level 2 charging stations. Today, every new all-electric vehicle comes with a socket that’s compatible with fast-charge stations.

How do users pay for using the Electric Circuit?

To charge your vehicle at a charging station operated by the Electric Circuit or one of its partners, you just need to become a member, deposit funds into your account, then pay for your charge using the Electric Circuit card or mobile app.

Join the Electric Circuit and order a card

Even if you’re not a member, you can charge your vehicle at stations run by the Electric Circuit and its partners using the Electric Circuit mobile app.

For more information about charging rates

Are there many charging station suppliers?

A number of North American and European companies sell EV charging stations. Hydro-Québec tested various models for the Electric Circuit as part of a call for tenders. A number of these models are currently in use in the network.

Electric Circuit charging station suppliers

Does the Electric Circuit plan on testing different levels of charging station?

In 2020, the Electric Circuit is setting up test benches to test a range of charging stations (25 kW, 100 kW, 125 kW, 160 kW and 350 kW).

Are there any financial incentives for purchasing electric vehicles?

Yes. The Québec government currently offers a rebate on the purchase of electric vehicles and the installation of home charging stations.

The Québec government’s financial assistance program for electric vehicles

The Canadian government also offers EV purchase incentives.

Visit the Government of Canada website for more information on its zero-emission vehicle program .

Is Hydro-Québec planning to integrate electric vehicles into its fleet?

Hydro-Québec employs various means to reduce the energy consumption of its vehicle fleet, including using a growing number of hybrid and electric vehicles.