We filed the environmental impact statement with the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.
You can view the Environmental Impact Study on the Registre des évaluations environnementales website. (in French only).Overview of the project
We must meet the growing energy demand in Montréal’s west end. To do so, we are rebuilding the current 120‑kV line, which connects Aqueduc and Saraguay substations, to convert it to 315 kV. Due to the growing demand, we must also rebuild Rockfield substation, in Lachine, and Hampstead substation, which will be renamed Côte‑Saint‑Luc substation, based on where it is located. This work is designed to convert the substations from 120 kV to 315 kV.
Stages in the modernization project
The 120‑kV transmission line will be rebuilt at 315 kV in the existing right of way, with the exception of a section in Côte‑Saint‑Luc for which we are studying a line route variant running along the railway.
- Replacement of the 120‑kV line with a 315‑kV line between Saraguay substation in Saint‑Laurent and Hampstead substation in Côte‑Saint‑Luc, as well as the construction of the 315/25‑kV Côte‑Saint‑Luc substation (2026 to 2029).
- Construction of the 315/25‑kV Rockfield substation in Lachine and replacement of the 120‑kV line with a 315‑kV line between Rockfield and Côte‑Saint‑Luc substations.
- Replacement of the 120‑kV line with a 315‑kV line between the 315/25‑kV Rockfield substation in Lachine and Aqueduc substation in LaSalle (2040).
The environmental impact study concerns the first two stages of the project. Step 3 will be discussed and studied at a later date.
Taking it further
To learn more about power system development, visit our project design approach webpage.
The community at the heart of the project design stage
We always strive to ensure that our projects have the least possible impact on communities. In this case, involving a critical area of Montréal, we wanted to carry out a customized project that would meet the needs and aspirations of municipal partners, namely to improve residents’ quality of life and promote biodiversity. We therefore implemented a collaborative approach in 2018 that was designed to understand the community’s concerns and priorities in order to develop a better project together.
This helped us do the following:
- Hold over 100 meetings with municipal partners and people affected by the project
- Put in place a decision‑making committee made up of municipal stakeholders
- Put in place eight technical committees with municipal professionals
- Organize two working committees with residents in Montréal‑Ouest and Côte‑Saint‑Luc
- Organize nine open house activities to meet the people affected, including homeowners
We would like to extend our thanks to everyone who participated in these discussions!
Consult the summary of the collaborative approach used with the host environment 2019–2023. (in French only) [PDF 6.3 MB].
Launch of the green corridor partnership
At a meeting of the partners on April 9, 2019, Hydro‑Québec officially launched the consultation process on the Aqueduc–Saraguay project and the green corridor with all of the municipal managers involved. The meeting included representatives from various units of the Ville de Montréal, the boroughs of Saint‑Laurent, Côte‑des‑Neiges–Notre‑Dame‑de‑Grâce, Lachine and Lasalle, the cities of Mont‑Royal, Montréal‑Ouest and Côte‑Saint‑Luc, and environmental organizations, that is the Conseil régional de l’environnement (CRE) de Montréal and Vélo Québec.
Event photos
For more details on the proposed project, please go to the selected solution.
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