Power generation

Hydro-Québec generates electricity to supply the Québec market and sells its excess output on wholesale markets. It is Canada’s largest electricity producer and one of the world’s largest hydropower producers.

Under the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie, the Groupe – Innovation, Production, santé, sécurité et environnement, in its role as power generator (the “Generator”), is required to provide the Groupe – Distribution, approvisionnement et services partagés, in its role as power distributor (the “Distributor”), with a base volume of up to 165 TWh of heritage pool electricity annually and may also compete for contracts under the Distributor’s open tendering process. Moreover, it offers balancing services and firming capacity to the Distributor to offset variations in wind farm output and thereby facilitate the integration of this energy source.

In addition, the Generator exports clean, renewable electricity to neighboring markets. Thanks to the vast storage capacity of its hydroelectric reservoirs, Hydro-Québec has thus become the green battery of northeastern North America.

Our facilities

Hydro-Québec’s generating fleet comprises 61 hydroelectric generating stations and 24 thermal plants with a total installed capacity of 37.2 GW. Its hydropower facilities also include 28 large reservoirs with a combined storage capacity of over 176 TWh, as well as 681 dams and 91 control structures.