Six stunningly illustrated posters depict situations in the lives of Luke and Lily: Luke and Lily in the kitchen, Lily’s bedroom, Luke in the bathroom, Luke and Lily in their backyard, Luke and Lily at the day-care center, and Luke and Lily go camping. Little ones will instantly identify with these two appealing characters and their surroundings. The posters can also support a range of fun and educational games and activities, like search-and-find, association games, riddles, storytelling and more.

The kit includes instructions for use, definitions of basic electrical concepts, safety precautions to adopt and a dozen suggestions for kicking off interactive stories.

  • Only orders from recognized daycare centres, kindergartens or early childhood centers in Québec will be processed.
  • We strongly encourage the sharing of materials within the same establishment.
  • Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.

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Useful information


  • Introduce children to electricity.
  • Encourage children to adopt safe practices around electricity.

Target audience

Preschoolers (ages 3 to 5)



Kit contents

  • Six multipurpose illustrated posters
  • An educators’ guide


30 to 45 minutes


It’s your move!

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