Gabrielle-Bodis and Robert-A.-Boyd solar generating stations

In February 2019, Hydro-Québec submitted applications to the Québec government for permission to build two photovoltaic solar generating stations with a total installed capacity of under 10 MW. The locations chosen for the construction of the planned generating stations are on land owned by Hydro-Québec in Varennes (Hydro-Québec’s research institute) and La Prairie (former site of the La Citière thermal generating station). These sites are cleared and located in industrial zones, far from urban areas, which will enable seamless integration with their surroundings. The impacts on the environment and the population will therefore be very limited.

Hydro-Québec has received all necessary authorizations to begin construction of the two generating stations and, following a call for proposals, has awarded a turnkey contract to a contractor (Borea Construction) responsible for engineering, procurement, and construction. Detailed engineering for the stations began in fall 2019. Workers were assigned to jobsites in spring 2020, with commissioning slated for late 2020.

Project schedule

  • Government approvals received Fall 2019
  • Detailed engineering November 2019 to May 2020
  • Construction May 2020 to November 2020
  • Site preparation, earthwork, access road May to June 2020
  • Installation of generation equipment and switchyard June to November 2020
  • Commissioning December 2020

Generic construction sequence for a photovoltaic solar generating station

  1. Installation of temporary jobsite facilities
  2. Earthwork and water management work for the site
  3. Construction of permanent civil infrastructure (access road, fencing)
  4. Installation of underground electric wiring
  5. Installation of piles, racking and photovoltaic panels
  6. Installation of electrical equipment and switchyard
  7. Removal of temporary facilities and site restoration

Technical specifications of the generating stations

Station located on land on which Hydro-Québec’s research institute is situated

  • City
    Varennes (Marguerite-D’Youville MRC, Montérégie)
  • Area
    5.6 hectares (56,000 m2), or the equivalent of approximately 10 football fields
  • Installed power
    1.5 MW
  • Panels and racking
    4,620 single-face and bifacial panels mounted on fixed racking and single-axis trackers
  • Connection
    To the 25-kV distribution system via the Varennes substation

Station at the former La Citière thermal generating station site

  • City
    La Prairie (Roussillon MRC, Montérégie)
  • Area
    15 hectares (150,000 m2), or the equivalent of approximately 28 football fields
  • Installed power
    8 MW
  • Panels and racking
    25,740 bifacial panels (including 4,316 made in Québec) installed on fixed racking
  • Connection
    To the 25-kV distribution system via the Roussillon substation

In February 2019, Hydro-Québec submitted applications to the Québec government for permission to build two photovoltaic solar generating stations with a total installed capacity of under 10 MW. The locations chosen for the construction of the planned generating stations are on land owned by Hydro-Québec in Varennes (Hydro-Québec’s research institute) and La Prairie (former site of the La Citière thermal generating station). These sites are cleared and located in industrial zones, far from urban areas, which will enable seamless integration with their surroundings. The impacts on the environment and the population will therefore be very limited.

Hydro-Québec has received all necessary authorizations to begin construction of the two generating stations and, following a call for proposals, has awarded a turnkey contract to a contractor (Borea Construction) responsible for engineering, procurement, and construction. Detailed engineering for the stations began in fall 2019. Workers were assigned to jobsites in spring 2020, with commissioning slated for late 2020.

Project schedule

  • Government approvals received Fall 2019
  • Detailed engineering November 2019 to May 2020
  • Construction May 2020 to November 2020
  • Site preparation, earthwork, access road May to June 2020
  • Installation of generation equipment and switchyard June to November 2020
  • Commissioning December 2020

Generic construction sequence for a photovoltaic solar generating station

  1. Installation of temporary jobsite facilities
  2. Earthwork and water management work for the site
  3. Construction of permanent civil infrastructure (access road, fencing)
  4. Installation of underground electric wiring
  5. Installation of piles, racking and photovoltaic panels
  6. Installation of electrical equipment and switchyard
  7. Removal of temporary facilities and site restoration

Click on the + / - icon to zoom in or out on the map.
See the legend for map elements and projected facilities.

Technical specifications of the generating stations

Robert-A.-Boyd generating station

  • City
    Varennes (Marguerite-D’Youville MRC, Montérégie)
  • Area
    5.6 hectares (56,000 m2), or the equivalent of approximately 10 football fields
  • Installed power
    1.5 MW
  • Panels and racking
    4,620 single-face and bifacial panels mounted on fixed racking and single-axis trackers
  • Connection
    To the 25-kV distribution system via the Varennes substation

Gabrielle-Bodis generating station

  • City
    La Prairie (Roussillon MRC, Montérégie)
  • Area
    15 hectares (150,000 m2), or the equivalent of approximately 28 football fields
  • Installed power
    8 MW
  • Panels and racking
    25,740 bifacial panels (including 4,316 made in Québec) installed on fixed racking
  • Connection
    To the 25-kV distribution system via the Roussillon substation