BEFORE putting in a pool, putting up a fence, planting a tree or shrub—in other words, before doing any digging—you must always find out whether there is any underground infrastructure nearby. To do so, file a locate request with Info-Excavation. This service is free.
You just have to file a single request, and Info-Excavation will check for possible hazards with all its member utilities: power, natural gas, telephone, cable TV, etc.
- Info-Excavation services are free throughout Québec.
- Allow three business days for all your locate requests to be processed. If a pipeline is involved, you’ll need to obtain written authorization from the company that operates the pipeline.
- Emergency service is provided for excavation work to maintain or restore essential services or prevent a potential danger to the public.
If necessary, the utilities affected by your work will send someone to indicate and flag pipe and cable locations on the ground or on the plan.
This fast, free service will keep you and your neighbors safe, protect the environment and ensure there is no interruption in services.
If you don’t check before you dig, you run all kinds of risks:
- Interrupting essential services
- Causing major property damage
- Contaminating the environment
- Being liable for someone’s injury or death
Make sure to take all necessary precautions and follow directions when working near underground infrastructure.
Read the guidelines for excavation work done near underground infrastructures