Work that entails the use of a Hydro-Québec servitude or Hydro-Québec property must guarantee:
- unrestricted access to electrical equipment
- compliance with Hydro-Québec’s property rights
- compatibility with safety standards
- compliance with power line operating requirements
If the work is planned on land owned by Hydro-Québec, the agreement will be in the form of a lease (market value rent).
If the project is planned on a servitude orother right, the agreement will be in the form of a technical permission. If the applicant is not the owner of the land, he or she must obtain the owner’s authorization.
All work must comply with any applicable laws and regulations, including municipal by-laws.

Administrative fees
Administrative fees generally apply for any request that requires the intervention of various Hydro-Québec representatives. The amount is indicated on the acknowledgment of receipt of the authorization request.
You must pay any applicable administrative, notary and land surveying fees as well as standard fees for this type of transaction. These fees will be billed at market value.
Authorization processing time
Authorization processing times vary on a case-by-case basis and according to Hydro-Québec’s priorities. It is best to provide all of the information required in order to avoid processing delays.
Points to consider when submitting an authorization request
- Hydro-Québec’s rights in rights-of-way have a very specific purpose: ensuring the safe operation of power lines. Work that involves the use of a right-of-way must therefore meet safety conditions, comply with the applicable transmission network standards and not hinder access to the electrical equipment.
- Any proposed development (underground facilities, walking paths, bike paths, pools, etc.) must be designed to accommodate heavy equipment.
- There must be an unobstructed work area around the electrical equipment. The size of the area depends on the voltage.
- When the ground elevation is modified, there must be a slope to provide access to the work area.
- Hydro-Québec may require the installation of mechanical protection such as concrete blocks or guardrails to protect its equipment.
- Landscaping plans must include the names of the plant species and their locations. The plants may grow to a height of no more than 2.5 m.
- There must be a corridor at least 4 m wide, ideally located under the conductors, to ensure Hydro-Québec’s inspection and maintenance teams can access the area and use heavy machinery.
- You must provide the layout of the planned development and indicate the distance between the ground and the electrical conductors, and between the components on the ground (buildings, fences, trees, etc.) and the electrical conductors. Hydro-Québec is not responsible for determining this distance.
- When building a fence, including one made of hedges and shrubs, there must be an opening of at least 4 m to provide access to heavy machinery. Hydro-Québec may require that the fence be grounded.
Contractor’s obligations
Once the work is authorized and the agreement (permission or lease) is signed by the parties, the contractor overseeing the work must obtain safety instructions for work near power lines (form entitled Intervention près des lignes électriques), in accordance with the regulations set out by the Commission de la santé et sécurité au travail (CSST). The document indicates the line voltages and the approach distances that must be respected.
Summary of obligations for work in a transmission line right-of-way
You must obtain authorization to carry out work in a transmission right-of-way.
Request regarding work, development or a servitude near transmission lines
The contractor overseeing the work must obtain the form “Intervention près des lignes électriques” as required by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité au travail (CNESST).
Request the document “Intervention près des lignes électriques de transport”