Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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Banking information

Banking information

PDF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF or TIFF file (max. 5 MB)

Enter the complete sequence of digits on your sample cheque, including 0s. Need help to find branch/transit, institution and account number

New banking information Need help to find branch/transit, institution and account number

Enter the complete sequence of digits on your sample cheque, including 0s.

Previous banking information Need help to find branch/transit, institution and account number

Enter the complete sequence of digits on your sample cheque, including 0s.

E-mail – Payment details:

Payment notices will be sent to this e-mail address. We recommend that you provide a general address like

Company identification

Example: 1500, rue Watts Est

Requester identification

This form is intended for businesses that have a Canadian currency bank account. In case you have a US currency account, please use the Register for Direct Deposit - US Currency Bank Account form.