Performance evaluation
Hydro-Québec assesses the performance of its suppliers operating in certain markets as well as the performance of certain suppliers in particular.
If it is included in your contract, you will find the detailed evaluation criteria in the contract documents.
Performance evaluation criteria
The performance evaluation process is designed to assess the following four criteria:
- Quality of goods/services
- Contract performance
- Business relationship quality
- Issues related to occupational health and safety, the environment and sustainable development
Here are a few examples of the criteria assessed:
- Quality of goods/services
- Non‑compliance of system/product
- Quality of documentation
- Contract performance
- Ability to meet deadlines
- Fulfillment of contractual obligations (costs, methods, etc.)
- Business relationship quality
- Communication and transparency
- Issues related to occupational health and safety, the environment and
sustainable development
- Accident frequency
- Number of accidental spills
- Responsible procurement
Communicating performance evaluation results
We will periodically inform you of your performance evaluation results, and performance reviews will be carried out for information sharing purposes.