
Hydro-Québec uses several systems and IT tools to exchange and work with its suppliers.

Discover them here!

Procurement tools

Supplier Space

A portal where companies can register to make themselves known, consult current calls for tenders and bid online. à

Catalogues électroniques

E-commerce platform that brings together product catalogs in a single marketplace. Registration is strictly on an invitation basis.

Suivi Qualité (SQ)

Cloud-based solution for managing supplier non-conformances, corrective action requests and technical questions and modifications.


Our external partner's platform for evaluating certain health and safety and sustainable development requirements during the bidding process.

Training tools

Académie HQ SST

Tool enabling Hydro-Québec suppliers to follow health and safety training online.


Tool enabling Hydro-Québec suppliers to follow health and safety training online.

Health and safety tools


A platform designed to facilitate the management and support of health, safety and environment (HSE) activities

Getting more information (in French only)

Tools for working on the distribution network

Outil de gestion intégrée de la végétation (OGIV)

A mobile application that facilitates the coordination and monitoring of vegetation control work directly out in the field.

Access the application

Ace Project

IT tool for exchanging information on documentation and invoicing associated with our joint projects. Download the application from the Google Play Store or App Store.

Repérer un poteau

This tool allows you to locate a post using the LCLCL address or barcode, and offers the option of copying longitude-latitude coordinates into another application.

Access the application (in French only)

How can we help you?

Do you have any questions? Contact us.

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