Our requirements
To ensure the quality and compliance of the goods and services provided as a Hydro‑Québec supplier, you must fulfill the requirements outlined in the tender call or the rules pertaining to the field of expertise.
You must also hold all licenses and authorizations required under the applicable laws and regulations to practice the activity in question.
This includes meeting the requirements below.
Legal requirements
Attestation de Revenu Québec
For construction contracts, goods and services worth $25,000 or more, you must provide an Attestation de Revenu Québec.
If your business is based outside of Québec, you must also complete the Absence d’établissement au Québec form [PDF 692 kB – in French only].
Autorité des marchés publics (AMP)
For service and work contracts, you must hold an authorization to contract issued by the Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) under the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (ACPB) in order to conclude a new public contract whose amount (including renewal options) exceeds the thresholds established by the ACPB, and must maintain a valid authorization throughout the contract.
Suppliers from outside Québec must also obtain this authorization.
Renew your AMP authorization
To find out how to renew your AMP authorization in accordance with the time limits determined by law, please refer to the website of the AMP.
Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics (RENA — register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts)
You must ensure that your company is not listed on the Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics (RENA — register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts) [in French only]. This measure also applies to firsttier subcontractors.
Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ — Quebec Building Board)
You must ensure that your company is not on the Régie du bâtiment du Québec’s list of restricted licenses [in French only], which would prohibit you from bidding on a public contract or entering into one if you, your directors or your shareholders have been convicted of certain criminal acts.
Office québécois de la langue française (French language bureau)
You must ensure that your company is not on the list published by the Office québécois de la langue française of companies that have failed to comply with the francization process [in French only].
Financial guarantees and insurance
If your company wants to bid on a tender call that requires financial guarantees, you must provide Hydro‑Québec with the following documents:
- A bid security bond specifying your willingness to respect the offer you made in your bid, should your company be chosen. Wherever bid security is required, the amount shall be indicated in the notice to prospective bidders.
To obtain a contract, you must also provide the following guarantees (if required by Hydro‑Québec):
- A performance bond to guarantee satisfactory fulfillment of the contract should the successful bidder fail to meet its obligations under said contract.
- A labor, material, and services payment bond to ensure that, during execution of the contract, subcontractors, materials suppliers and service providers get paid if your company defaults on payment.
Insurance requirements (coverage type and amount) are indicated in the Information and Instructions for Prospective Bidders section of the tender call document. Insurance coverage must extend for the full duration of the contract.
Find the documents and forms you need easily
Refer to the Contract documents and forms section for the insurance certificate and security forms required by Hydro-Québec, along with the lists of acceptable insurance companies and financial institutions.
View the contract documents and formsQuality requirements
Hydro-Québec takes every available measure to ensure the quality of the goods and services it acquires. We’re also committed to continually improving our procurement practices. As a supplier, you must contribute to our ongoing efforts to maintain our activities at a high standard.
Quality control
Inspections may be carried out with certain suppliers to ensure compliance with contractual requirements and to control the quality of the goods and services provided.
These inspections are performed by Hydro‑Québec’s own quality experts or by specialized quality assurance and control firms.
ISO 9001 Certification
If you are a supplier whose business generates, transmits or distributes power or whose goods and services have a significant impact on Hydro‑Québec’s corporate image, you must generally possess an accredited ISO 9001 quality management system issued in accordance with the applicable standards by a recognized authority.
When ISO 9001 certification is required, it is mentioned in the notice to prospective bidders.
Occupational health and safety (OHS) and Sustainable development (SD) questionnaires
Occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements
Hydro-Québec promotes OHS best practices to ensure that its supply chain is safer.
As of October 2024, suppliers who want to submit a bid in most service markets are required to meet OHS eligibility criteria, by completing the Hydro-Québec occupational health and safety questionnaire.
Consult the OHS questionnaire page to find out how to comply with the requirement.
Promoting best practices in sustainable development (SD)
Hydro-Québec values bids from companies committed to sustainable development. To demonstrate your commitments in this regard, you will need to complete our sustainable development questionnaire (note that this is a recommended practice, but not a requirement at this time).
Consult the SD questionnaire page to find out how to proceed.