From December 1 to March 31, Rate Flex D offers savings on your electricity bill. To take full advantage of it, simply take steps to use electricity more wisely during winter peak periods!
The registration period for Rate Flex D is over.
Next registration period begins: April 1, 2025.
Sign up for Hilo and maximize your savings thanks to the automation of your device settings during peak demand events.
Sign up for Hilo and maximize your savings thanks to the automation of your device settings during peak demand events.
How does Rate Flex D save me money? What do I need to do? This short video will answer all your questions.
Running time: 1 min 39 s
With Rate Flex D, you can save quite a bit of money, since most of the time in winter, you’ll be charged less than the base rate, except during occasional peak demand events, when you’ll be charged more than the base rate.
Rate Flex D is different from the base rate (Rate D). This is how it works:
To maximize your savings with Rate Flex D, the trick is to reduce your energy use during peak events by turning down your thermostats at the start of a peak event and delaying your use of hot water until the event is over.
To see the results of your energy‑saving efforts, use the Energy Performance Indicator in your Customer Space, which lets you track:
Rate Flex D is for Rate D (base rate) customers who are able to use less electricity during peak demand events or shift their nonessential electricity consumption to outside of those periods.
In addition, you must not:
No later than 5 p.m. the day before a peak demand event, Hydro‑Québec will email you at the address listed in your Customer Space to notify you of the event start and end times. You can also opt to receive peak demand event notifications through the Hydro‑Québec mobile app. All peak demand event notifications will also be posted in your Customer Space.
Hydro-Québec cannot be held responsible for nonreceipt of a notification due to the failure of equipment belonging to you or your telecommunications provider.
Peak demand events can take place weekdays from December 1 to March 31, from 6 to 9 a.m. and from 4 to 8 p.m., excluding December 24, 25, 26 and 31, and January 1 and 2, as well as Good Friday and Easter Monday when they fall within the winter period.
You can sign up for Rate Flex D for next season once the billing period covering April 1 is over and up to December 31.
You can cancel a Rate Flex D service contract at any time by calling Hydro‑Québec’s customer services. Your contract will then become subject to Rate D (base rate), if it is still eligible, or to any other rate for which it is eligible.
Hydro‑Québec reserves the right to terminate your service contract at this rate if there are recurring problems in gathering hourly metering data.
Under no circumstances shall the information provided here replace the Electricity Rates.
To find out more about Rate Flex D, see Section 9 of Chapter 2 of the Electricity Rates [PDF 1.44 MB].
An “off‑grid system” is a power system not connected to Hydro‑Québec’s main grid.
Method of measuring energy consumed with a separate meter for each residential or commercial unit in a building.
Method of measuring energy consumed with a single meter instead of separate meters for an entire multiunit commercial or residential building. The building owner is responsible for dividing the costs between the occupants.