Opt for the purchase and installation of an electric thermal storage heating system combined with a central heat pump and receive $22,000 in financial assistance from Hydro‑Québec


Learn more about the LogisVert Efficient Homes Program if you wish to have an electric thermal storage system installed. For more information, contact one of the List of Steffes authorized installers [PDF 147 kB].

Less well known in Québec, electric thermal storage (ETS) is a technology that has been in use for a number of years.

Who is this technology for?

Central heating with electric thermal storage is for customers wishing to replace their fuel‑burning central heating system with an electric one, as well as those who need to invest in a new system.

What is a central heating ETS system?

It’s a fuelless central heating system with the defining feature of storing heat in a thermal mass made up of bricks.

During peak demand events, the system is programmed to stop powering the electric elements and the house is heated by the heat accumulated in the bricks.

Duration : 1 minutes 37 seconds
Image of an electric thermal storage system with the components

Image of an electric thermal storage system with the following components:

  1. 1Exchanger for heat pump (optional)
  2. 2Insulation
  3. 3Thermal mass
  4. 4Electric elements
  5. 5Fan

Combining an electric thermal storage (ETS) system with a heat pump

For additional benefits, the central heating system with electric thermal storage can be combined with a heat pump. There are numerous advantages to this combination:

  • It provides a highly efficient, all-in-one heating and air-conditioning system that is fully electric.
  • It optimizes system performance by taking full advantage of the efficiency of the heat pump—for both heating and air conditioning.
  • By regulating the home’s air supply temperature, it eliminates the cooling sensation associated with the forced air caused by heating with a heat pump.

In short, combining an ETS system with a heat pump, when used with Rate Flex D, is the most cost‑effective, fully electric heating and air‑conditioning system that offers the most comfort.

What’s the difference between common heating systems?

Illustration of a central heating ETS system

When there is a demand for heat, this type of system draws on heat that’s been stored in a thermal mass made from high-density ceramic bricks. These bricks are heated to a high temperature using electric elements. However, during peak demand events, the system is programmed to turn off these elements and the house is heated using only the stored heat. Result? During these short periods, you stay cozy and warm while using a lot less electricity during peak periods.

What’s more, with dynamic pricing (Rate Flex D), you can lower your electricity bill by reducing your electricity use during peak demand events, without any sacrifice to comfort.

All about Rate Flex D

Illustration of a traditional electric central heating system

When the temperature drops to a certain point, the thermostat activates the electric heating elements and fan to heat the house. A significant amount of electricity must therefore be used to keep the air warmed.

Illustration of a dual-energy heating system

This type of system heats the air by drawing on two energy sources: electricity as the main source, and some form of fuel as the backup source. Most of the time, the house is heated when the thermostat activates the electric heating elements and fan. However, when the temperature reaches a specific threshold (based on the region), the system switches to the backup heat source, which runs on a fuel like oil, propane or natural gas. Since the electric heating elements are not in use at that time, you use much less electricity.