Six gold-medal tips to lower your electricity bill this summer
Read time: 4 minutes
The equipment we use to care for our yards, cool down and relax in summer is often energy intensive. But by taking simple steps and choosing the right products, you can enjoy the warm season and be more energy wise!
1. Set the temperature to 25°C
Even though you use less air-conditioning in summer than heating during the winter, cooling still impacts your bottom line. Your home’s air-conditioning system could account for nearly 20% of your summer electricity bill. Setting your thermostats between 22°C and 25°C will help keep you cool and save. Remember: the lower the temperature setting, the more energy your air conditioner will use. If you shut the curtains and blinds on the windows that are exposed to the sun, less heat will enter your home. For even more comfort, use fans and air-conditioning in tandem. And through the LogisVert Efficient Homes Program, you could receive up to $6,700 in financial assistance towards the purchase of a heat pump. Don’t miss out!
2. Air dry your clothes
In summer, hanging your clothes to dry could help you save more than 150 kWh, or the equivalent of about $12.
For major savings, wash in cold water, since hot water can cost up to 18 times more. Two simple ways to make the next load more efficient!
Don’t have a clothesline? Drying racks come in all sizes, and you’re sure to find one that fits in your laundry room or on your balcony.
3. Invest in a timer, an efficient pool pump, a heat pump and solar cover for your pool
Pool filtration and heating can account for up to 70% of your summer electricity costs. Fortunately, there’s equipment that’ll help you get more out of your pool and save money.
A pool heat pump is an effective way to keep the water at the right temperature so you can make the most of summer a little longer! A solar pool cover will limit heat loss, leading to substantial savings that will exceed the purchase cost by the end of the first summer. It would be a shame not to benefit from one!
Install a pool timer on the filter pump and save up to 45% on filtration costs without sacrificing water quality.
And with a two-speed or variable-speed pump, you can lower your filtration costs by 70% without affecting water quality.

4. Smart outdoor lighting
There’s nothing better than a cozy outdoor setting on a nice summer evening. Choose LED bulbs for your electric lighting products and be sure to turn them off at night or when you’re not using them to avoid wasting energy. Shut off your outdoor lights from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. and you could save even more.
Thinking of creating a private oasis in your backyard? Have you considered solar lights? By capturing the sun’s rays during the day to create light at night, you’ll be relying on another clean and renewable source of energy. It doesn’t get much better than that!
5. Choose electric equipment for your yard work
If your lawnmower is on its last legs or if you’re in the market for new yard tools to care for your property, consider an electric lawnmower, edger, hedge trimmer, leaf blower or chainsaw.
They’re more environmentally friendly than gas-powered models, often easier to maintain and less noisy (your neighbors will thank you!).

6. Consider your consumption habits
To find out what’s influencing your bill this summer or whether you’re using more or less electricity than your neighbors, use the Energy Performance Indicator in your Customer Space. The powerful algorithms can estimate the electricity costs of household uses like air-conditioning and a swimming pool. It’s a great ally if you want to adopt more eco-friendly habits this summer!
It’s often easier than you think to go green and still make the most of summer! With the right actions, we can all be energy-savings champions!