Get up to $50,000 in financial assistance to conduct the energy analysis of buildings, equipment or processes.
Learn more about the energy analysisReceive financial assistance to help you implement one or more eligible measures.
Choose heat pumps for your buildings and you could receive financial assistance covering up to 75%* of eligible costs for medium or large businesses and up to 90%* for small businesses.
*The amounts were increased on June 15, 2023.
The Efficient Solution’s OSE calculation tool makes it easy to calculate financial assistance related to 200 measures and then submit your request.
Get the OSE calculation toolEnergy efficiency is key for companies that want to stand out and improve their performance, regardless of their sector.
Commercial sector
Industrial sector
Institutional sector
Would you like more information? Read some testimonials from local business customers.
Companies that wish to participate or act as a partner or project aggregator can submit projects on behalf of their business customers and thereby receive incentive compensation.
Energy efficiency encourages a wiser use of Québec's collective resources. It consists of using less energy to achieve an identical or similar service. In other words, for the same need, we use and waste less energy through measures designed to recover energy losses and by introducing more efficient equipment.
Companies that implement energy efficiency measures reduce their electricity bill, which helps to make them more competitive. They position themselves as agents of change for the benefit of society and improve their brand image. By consuming less and more wisely, the companies contribute to a healthy management of hydropower and participate in Québec's energy transition. The energy savings achieved help postpone electricity generation, transmission and distribution investments. By avoiding significant additional supply and infrastructure costs, we are able to keep our electricity rates among the lowest in North America. Energy savings also promote the electrification of new uses, the decarbonization of companies located in Québec and exports of clean energy to neighboring systems.
With the Efficient Solutions Program, you can receive financial assistance to conduct an energy analysis of one or more buildings and implement energy efficiency measures that will reduce your electricity bill and improve your competitiveness. The program is tailored to the needs of different types of companies.
First, you need to consult the different program components (Energy Analysis, Small Businesses and Medium and Large Businesses) and the Participant's Guides to understand the requirements and steps to take. You can also rely on an industry professional to support you, or contact us for more information.
We encourage industry professionals (engineering consulting firms, contractors, companies specializing in energy, etc.) to promote the Efficient Solutions Program with their customers in order to find and implement energy efficiency projects. For more information, visit the Partners and Project aggregators page.
The program terms and conditions were modified on june 15, 2023. As a result, if you took steps to participate in the program before that date, please refer to the transitional rules.
Stay informed on our energy efficiency programs and our demand response offers.