Rate G
Rate G
is the most common business rate. It applies to customers who are not billed for power demand or whose minimum billing demand is under
65 kilowatts (kW).
Rate G9
Rate G9
applies to large- or medium-power customers whose power demand
is limited. This rate can be advantageous for companies with equipment that uses a
significant amount of power over
short periods — for example, golf course irrigation pumps or ski hill snow cannons.
Rate GD
Rate GD
is an optional medium-power rate offered on backup power Hydro‑Québec sells to
independent producers whose main generating
source is temporarily unavailable or under maintenance. The electricity purchased is
used to power essential loads and auxiliary services.
Rate M
Rate M
applies to a contract whose maximum power
demand has reached 50 kilowatts (kW) at least once in the last 12
monthly periods.
Rate L
Rate L
applies to an annual contract whose contract power
is 5,000 kilowatts (kW) or more and which is principally related to an
industrial activity.
Rate LG
Rate LG
applies to an annual contract whose minimum billing
demand is 5,000 kilowatts (kW) or more and which is not
principally related to an industrial activity.
Experimental Rate BR
Rate BR
applies to contracts for electricity supplied to one or more electric vehicle
charging stations rated 400 volts DC or more. It can also apply to a contract
for electricity supplied to one or more 240‑volt charging stations.
Rate CB
Rate CB
applies to a medium- or large-power contract under which electricity is delivered,
in whole or in part, for cryptographic use
applied to blockchains and where the installed capacity dedicated to this
use is at least 50 kilowatts. More specifically, it applies to service
contracts for cryptographic use fo mining or to
maintain a cryptocurrency system in return for compensation.
Business rates north of the 53rd parallel
Business rates north of the
53rd parallel apply to the use of electricity by business customers
when the electricity is supplied by an off-grid
system located north of the 53rd parallel, except for the Schefferville
Public lighting rates
General electricity rates that apply to the public lighting service offered
to federal, provincial and municipal authorities or to any person duly authorized by
Sentinel lighting rates
lighting rates include the supply, operation and powering of Sentinel
photoelectric‑cell luminaires. These luminaires are the property of
Hydro‑Québec and are used for outdoor lighting, but not for public lighting.
Hydro‑Québec has been gradually phasing out these rates since
April 1, 2013.
Rate Flex G
Rate Flex G
enables customers to save money in winter by shifting, at Hydro‑Québec’s
request, their nonessential electricity consumption to outside peak demand events
and by using less electricity during those events. It applies to Rate G contracts
that are not billed for power demand,
that is, those with a power demand
below 50 kilowatts (kW).
Winter Credit Option for Rate G customers
The Winter Credit
Option allows you to save during winter when you use less electricity than
usual during peak periods, at Hydro-Québec’s request. This option is risk-free,
because your electricity bill can only go down.
Dual-Energy Rate for Space Heating
The Small-
and Medium-Power Dual-Energy Rate offers an interesting savings and GHG
emissions reduction potential to business customers who use electricity as their
main energy source for space heating and a fuel during very cold weather
In effect since November 6, 2023
Dual-energy offer for sustainable decarbonization
Does your company or institution currently have one or more heating systems that run on natural gas? Are you thinking about decarbonizing?
A new offer is now available for Énergir’s commercial and institutional customers. It is designed for them to convert their heating systems to a dual-energy set-up that uses electricity as the main energy source and natural gas as an auxiliary source.
The dual-energy offer includes financial assistance and support.
Want to know more? Check out our website on dual energy.
See the installation
specifications for contractors [PDF 445 kB]
Additional Electricity Option
This option allows large- or medium-power customers (Rate M, G9, L or LG) to use
electricity beyond their normal consumption during Hydro‑Québec’s off-peak
hours to fill a short-term order or meet an exceptional need.
Additional Electricity Option for photosynthetic lighting or for space heating to
raise crops
This option
targets greenhouse growers who use all or part of the electricity supplied by
Hydro‑Québec for photosynthetic lighting or space heating to raise crops. More
specifically, it applies to Rate D, DP, DM, G, M, G9 or LG contracts where the
electricity is used for the purposes stated above and the maximum power demand has reached
50 kilowatts (kW) at least once in the last 12 monthly periods preceding the date of the
sign‑up request.
Interruptible Electricity Options
Under these rate options, Hydro‑Québec offers credits to large - or
medium-power customers (Rate M, G9, L or LG) in exchange for curtailing their
electricity consumption at its request.
Running-in of new equipment
Certain conditions are available to large- or medium-power customers (Rate M, L or
LG) wishing to put new equipment into service, which can result in a higher power demand for a few months until their
operations have been optimized. Under these conditions, such customers can be
temporarily exempt from certain rate provisions applicable to power demand billing.
Equipment testing
Certain conditions are available to large- and medium-power customers (Rate M, G9, L
or LG) who need to run short tests after adding new equipment or modifying or
optimizing existing equipment, a situation that runs the risk of temporarily
increasing power demand. These conditions allow the
equipment to be tested without the customer being billed for the excess power used
during the test period(s).
Net Metering Option for a Rate G customer-generator
This rate option allows a Rate G customer-generator to feed its surplus
electricity back into the Hydro‑Québec grid in exchange for credits applied to
their electricity bill. If the power they generate is not enough to meet their
needs, customer-generators can draw power from the Hydro‑Québec grid and enjoy
reliable, high-quality service.
Learn more about the Net Metering Option for:
Rate G customer-generators – Option I
Rate G customer-generators whose electricity is supplied
by an off-grid system – Option III
Demand Response Option
The Demand
Response (DR) Option is a rate option for Hydro‑Québec’s business
customers. It allows eligible customers to receive a credit if they reduce their power demand during peak demand events at the
request of Hydro‑Québec.