Technical documentation on electrical service
Consult the technical documents to find out more about standards and methods related to low-, medium- and high-voltage electrical service.

Blue Book | Standard E.21‑10 (10th edition)
Low-voltage Electrical Service
The Blue Book describes the characteristics of low-voltage electrical service and the technical requirements. This standard deals more specifically with permanent and temporary overhead or underground connections to the Hydro‑Québec grid, the installation or modification of electrical service entrances, and low-voltage metering, with many helpful illustrations.

Green Book | Standard E.21-11 (5th edition)
Low-voltage electrical service from distribution substations
This standard sets out the conditions for low-voltage electrical service from a distribution substation, for properties with a rated current at the service box of more than 600 amperes and less than or equal to 6,000 amperes. It contains all the information required to put in place or modify civil works and electrical installations, including prerequisites, time frames and conditions.

Red Book | Standard E.21-12 (3rd edition)
Medium-voltage Electricity Services
This standard sets out the conditions for medium-voltage electricity service. It applies to any application for service or any modification of an electrical installation that might either increase a customer's contract power or connected load or affect the power quality of the Hydro‑Québec grid.

Standard F.22-01 (4th edition)
Electricity Metering for Medium- and High-voltage Installations
This standard defines the requirements and conditions governing the metering of medium- and high-voltage applications. It is meant for Hydro‑Québec personnel, licensed electricians, consulting engineers and equipment manufacturers. It also aims to facilitate relations between Hydro‑Québec and its customers when medium- or high-voltage electrical installations are installed or modified.

Characteristics and Target Values of the Voltage Supplied by the Medium- and Low-voltage Systems [PDF 894 kB]
This document describes the main characteristics of the voltage supplied by the Hydro‑Québec distribution system at the delivery point of medium- and low-voltage customers under normal operating conditions. It is for Hydro‑Québec customers and explains the various phenomena that influence power quality. It encourages customers to take the necessary steps to protect their equipment and reduce the potential impacts of disturbances.
Supplementary documents
- Signature Service [PDF 49 kB – in French only]
- New facilities and adding equipment [PDF 98 kB - in French only]
- Protection against phase loss [PDF 113 kB - in French only]
- Voltage dips [PDF 113 kB - in French only]
- Steady stage voltage [PDF 291 kB - in French only]
- Variable-speed drives [PDF 118 kB]
- Voltage and current imbalances [PDF 99 kB - in French only]
- Industrial programmable controllers [PDF 49 kB - in French only]
- Power factor [PDF 47 kB – in French only]

Standard C.22-03
Exigences techniques relatives au raccordement des charges fluctuantes au réseau de distribution d'Hydro‑Québec (Connection of Fluctuating Loads)
This standard sets out the technical requirements for the connection of fluctuating loads to the Hydro‑Québec distribution system. The requirements are designed to control flicker and rapid voltage fluctuations.

Standard C.25-01
Exigences techniques relatives à l’émission d’harmoniques par les installations de clients raccordées au réseau de distribution d’Hydro‑Québec (Emission of Harmonics by Connected Customers)
This standard sets out the harmonics limitation requirements to be met by customer installations to ensure adequate quality of service for all customers.

Technical Requirements for the Connection of Customer Facilities to the Hydro‑Québec Transmission System[PDF 2.4 MB]
This document presents the minimum technical requirements for customer facilities connected to the 44 kV to 345 kV Hydro‑Québec transmission system and guidelines applying to the connection.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Emission Limits for Disturbances on the Hydro‑Québec Transmission System [PDF 679 Kb]
This document sets out the emission limits and assessment methods for electrical disturbances caused by equipment in customer facilities connected to, or to be connected to, Hydro‑Québec transmission system. These limits apply to harmonic emissions, load or current imbalances, rapid voltage changes and flicker at the interface between a customer facility and the transmission system.

Characteristics of the Voltage Supplied by the Hydro‑Québec Transmission System [PDF 232 Kb – in French only]
This document describes the main characteristics of the voltage supplied by the Hydro‑Québec transmission system at the connection point of high-voltage customers under normal operating conditions. It is for Hydro‑Québec customers and explains the various phenomena that influence power quality. It encourages customers to take the necessary steps to protect their equipment and reduce the potential impacts of disturbances.

Specification of data acquisition requirements for industrial customers connected to the high-voltage transmission system HQ230-03 [PDF 271 Kb – in French only]
This document describes the requirements applicable to the communication devices of industrial customers’ installations that are used to transmit operating data to the control system of Hydro‑Québec’s telecontrol computer centers (CIT).
This document applies to industrial customers’ installations that are connected to Hydro‑Québec’s high‑voltage transmission system, i.e., from 44 kV to 345 kV.