Request for work
Are you planning a project that requires work on an electrical installation to be carried out by an electrical contractor or an engineering consulting firm?
Learn more about your responsibilities and those of each stakeholder as well as the steps involved and the lead times to expect.
To follow up on a request for work, go to your Customer Space or here.

Specific process for connection requests of 5,000 kW or more
- Following the adoption of An Act mainly to cap the indexation rate for Hydro‑Québec domestic distribution rate prices and to further regulate the obligation to distribute electricity [PDF 335 kB – in French only], you must obtain authorization from Québec’s Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie (MEIE) for the connection of projects of 5,000 kW or more.
- Learn about the application assessment process on the site du MEIE [in French only] and send your application form [PDF 1.5 MB – in French only] to
Find the information you need before making a request for work
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The key: Being prepared!
Finding an electrical contractor or an engineering consulting firm
The first thing to do to get your project started is to contact an electrical contractor and, if necessary, an engineering consulting firm .
Make sure that the electrical contractor you hire is a member of the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ) [in French only].
Please note: Electrical contractors and engineering consulting firms must comply with certain laws and regulations.
Gathering the required documents
Make sure you have all the documents you need to carry out your project so you can provide the information when necessary. For instance:
- Layout plan
- Plot plan (land register excerpt)
- Subdivision plan
- Copy of servitudes
- Single‑line diagram
- Description of loads to be connected
- Photos
In some cases, an engineering consulting firm will be able to help you provide the required documents.
Information about the standards
Connection work must be carried out in compliance with the safety standards and regulations in effect.
- Part III of the Conditions of Service [PDF 1,5 kB]
- Compliance with clearance standards, Section 14.4 of the Conditions of Service [PDF 1,5 kB]
- Québec Construction Code, Chapter V – Electricity
- Blue Book (standard E.21-10) [in French only]
- Green Book (standard E.21-11) [PDF 2,6 Mo – in French only]
- Red Book (standard E.21-12) [PDF 7,4 Mo – in French only]
Learning about the contractor’s or the engineering consulting firm’s responsibilities
Electrical contractor
Article 1.1.3 in the Blue Book (standard E.21-10) [PDF 7,4 MB – in French only] outlines the electrical contractor’s responsibility toward the customer. Their responsibilities include the following:
- Checking the availability of electrical service and the applicable conditions
- Informing the customer of the steps to take to ensure that their installation is supplied on the requested date
- Informing the customer of all possible costs (connection, line extension or modification)
Engineering consulting firm
Engineering consulting firms provide solutions and services such as:
- Prefeasibility studies
- Business cases
- Environmental impact assessments
- Designing construction or engineering projects
- Monitoring and inspecting construction projects and managing on‑site projects
- Assistance and technical advice
A connection project can include up to 10 steps
Identify the steps below for which you, your electrical contractor or the engineering consulting firm are responsible.
1 ‒ Hiring an electrical contractor or an engineering consulting firm CUSTOMER
The customer hires an electrical contractor and, in some cases, an engineering consulting firm.
Electrical contractor:
- The electrical contractor assesses what needs to be done before HydroQuébec can carry out its work, carries out the work in question and sends the connection request to Hydro‑Québec.
- When the electrical contractor’s work is finished and compliant, they send a request to Hydro‑Québec stating that Hydro‑Québec can begin its work.
Engineering consulting firm (if necessary):
- The engineering consulting firm can provide, for instance, civil engineering plans, a protection curve study and, if necessary, harmonic studies and flicker analyses.
Note: Engineering consulting firms may be called upon several months before a customer hires an electrical contractor.
3 ‒ Processing and following up on the request HYDRO QUÉBEC
- Hydro‑Québec records the request.
- Hydro‑Québec provides the electrical contractor and the customer with the confirmation number .
- Hydro‑Québec contacts the electrical contractor, if necessary.
- If required, Hydro‑Québec requests any necessary information to process the request.
- The electrical contractor informs Hydro‑Québec of the status of the work assigned.
- The electrical contractor provides any requested clarifications, when necessary.
- At the customer’s request, the electrical contractor carries out the activities related to planting private utility poles .
5 ‒ Assessment and costs HYDRO-QUÉBEC
- Hydro‑Québec assesses the scope and cost of the work, if applicable.
- Hydro‑Québec sends the customer the agreements regarding the work.
6 ‒ Documentation and payment CUSTOMER
If necessary, the customer provides Hydro‑Québec with the following documents before the work begins:
- Required servitudes
- Signed agreement documents (mandatory before engineering work can begin)
- Amount due (mandatory for the work to be carried out)
7 ‒ Vegetation control, clearing or installation of poles HYDRO-QUÉBEC
- Hydro‑Québec assesses the scope and cost of the work, if applicable.
- Hydro‑Québec acts as a liaison with the companies responsible for the work, if needed.
- Hydro‑Québec can provide support (standards, validation of field work), if necessary.
The electrical contractor provides Hydro‑Québec with a “Déclaration de travaux” form, which confirms that all the work that needs to be carried out before Hydro‑Québec can conduct its work is complete and that the installation is ready to be connected to the power grid.
9 ‒ Project completion and commissioning HYDRO-QUÉBEC
- Hydro‑Québec carries out its work, where appropriate.
- Hydro‑Québec installs the metering equipment and any other required equipment.
- Hydro‑Québec commissions the equipment.
10 ‒ Payment CUSTOMER
The customer pays all applicable fees.
Determining the approximate lead time for a connection request
Understanding the charges before beginning the project
Service charges and other costs may apply. Refer to chapters 8, 9 and 20 of the Conditions of service.
Applicable fees for all requests
For most requests for work, only the $360 (called “ charge for work on the system”) is billed and included on your electricity bill once the work is finished.
This charge covers the travel costs of the Hydro-Québec employees who will connect your installation to the grid.
Additional fees depending on the situation
Additional fees may be added to the above charge if complex work must be carried out or the power system needs to be extended or modified.
Examples :
- Fees related to vegetation control, clearing or installation of poles
- Fees to acquire servitudes
- Fees related to civil engineering work
Your electrical contractor will guide you if these fees apply to your request.
* The charge for travel without work is $170.
Fees for work performed outside regular working hours
If the work is performed outside Hydro-Québec’s regular working hours , an additional amount is billed, depending on the situation.
Other types of requests for work
For certain more complex projects, the customer may have to hire an engineering consulting firm to obtain services and expertise with regard to planning, design and implementation of engineering projects.
An eight-digit number starting with 2 that can be sent in the following ways:
- By email to the email address on file
- Via an automated telephone message to the telephone number on file
Examples of metering equipment:
- The meter
- The current transformer
- The voltage transformer
Poles that are planted at the request of a homeowner and paid for by the homeowner who is responsible for the pole. Hydro-Québec never performs work on these poles.
Only a member of the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ) can do the following:
- Conduct work related to an electrical installation or have such work conducted.
- Send a request for work to Hydro‑Québec.
This refers to all civil engineering work such as digging trenches, installing buried conduits or the construction of concrete encased ducts.
The hours between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday, except holidays.